EyeMisra was born after the demise of Ben Vision Research, and we are now close to the launch of our patented ocular refraction clinic diagnostic instrumentation, which is priced higher than the automated phoropter instrument from Reichert and lower than the PSF refractor from Vmax Vision. In July 2024, our Psychometric Refractor, TM has been redesigned for refractive conjugates from -11.50 to + 16 diopter spherical with para-foveal testing of astigmatism to a max of 7.25 D, and a repeat position backlash error of 0.0125 or less. The viewing target is a geometric closed contour pattern outer contour being 20/480 with 3rd harmonic 20/160; and inner contour 20/120 with 3rd harmonic 20/40 Snellen letter eye chart equivalents. ASK any question by EMAIL TO: dr.aggarwala@aol.com
"They spoke of Alhazen and Vitello,
And Aristotle, who wrote, in their lives,
On strange mirrors and optical instruments."
Geoffrey Chaucer,
The Canterbury Tales